GESCI joined education players around the globe at the inaugural Schools2030 held n Dar es Salaam ,Tanzania.The forum’s theme was Reimagining the Role(s) of Schools, Systems and Societies for the Future of Learning. Schools2030 is a ten-year participatory learning improvement programme based in 1,000 government schools across ten countries.
The global conference brought together approximately 200 delegates from more than 25 countries – drawn from a range of experts from key educational constituencies including, but not limited to: Youth, Teachers, School Networks, Government Leaders, Education System Leaders, Funders, Researchers, and Civil Society.
This year’s was co-hosted with UNICEF Tanzania and the Regional Education Initiative (RELI), a collaborative network of over 70 organizations working on improving learning outcomes in East Africa among other supporters.
GESCI participated in a roundtable on measuring what youth need to succeed and how might we assess the knowledge, skills, attitude and values young people need and co-facilitated another round table on designing with youth and how we might increase youth voices to catalyse change in the education ecosystem. The engagements from the forum helped in generating new insights, partnerships, and actionable steps about how best schools, systems and societies can work better together to achieve SDG4 by 2030.