STEM Teachers ready for online training in Tanzania
GESCI has conducted training for teachers of Science Technology English and Mathematics (STEM) in the Morogoro and Pwani regions of Tanzania. Carried out in four batches,the activity has been running for two weeks to equip teachers with knowledge on Technology Literacy ahead of the online training.
All teachers are excited about their participation in the African Digital Schools Initiative (ADSI) Programme and said they look forward to learning a lot as they completely change their teaching approaches through the application of technology in the teaching.
Speaking at the opening of the 3rd batch of training in Pwani Region,The Regional Education Officer, Mr. Abdul Maulid ,encouraged the teachers to take the training seriously as the skills learnt will play a huge role in their professional development .
The African Digital Schools Initiative (ADSI) will be conducted in three cycles, the first is Technology Literacy,then Knowledge Deepening and Cycle 3 will dwell with Knowledge Creation.
Implemented in three African countries, ADSI seeks to ensure whole- school integration of ICTs and creating Digital Schools of Distinction by 2020.The ADSI Programme is funded by Mastercard Foundation, Canada.