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An Overview of the GESCI Leadership Network for Sustainable Development (LN4SD)

In June 2016, GESCI launched the Leadership Network for Sustainable Development to provide a space for collaboration,partnerships among its ALICT/LATIC alumni.
The LN4SD has 210 members who are the alumni of the ALICT/LATIC which was offered by GESCI in collaboration with the African Union Commission (AUC. In February 2017, the network started running a series of thematic blogs and webinars.In February, Dr. Raywat Deonandan wrote an exciting blog on how ICT can elevate the status of teachers and teaching in the SDG agenda,he also facilitated a webinar on the same topic and it was noted that technologies grant access to teaching tools, curricula, subject content, pedagogical strategie. Technical vocational Education and Training (TVET) was the theme in March, Dr Minna Aslama wrote on 7 These of Youth Entrepreneurship using GESCI's African Knowledge Exchange Project as a case study. Satu Järvinen from the Koulu Group in Finland will be facilitating a webinar on April 10, 2017 on "Expanding the Scope of Entrepreneurship: Right mindset and character as a success factor of TVET graduates." In April the theme will be Science Technology English and Mathematics (STEM). Visit the network to participate in the discussions on the blogs and attend the webinars.

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