Morogoro Schools Awarded for Integrating ICTs
GESCI facilitated training of school principals and school Board of Management chairpersons from 20 secondary schools implementing the ADSI programme in Morogoro Region Tanzania.
The 20 schools were also awarded for successfully completing the e-confident phase in the GESCI DSD Development pathway.School principals received certificates for effective leadership in whole school development for ICT integration.
Heads of schools participating in the project lauded the programme for enhancing the ICT culture in their schools where it is not just used in teaching and learning but also in management and leadership.
Ramadhani Matimbwa, ADSI Project Coordinator Morogoro Region mentioned that ADSI equips teachers with skills to use ICT to bring to life concepts that would appear hard to explain without ICT.
GESCI has partnered with the Ministry of Education Science and Technology and the President's Office,Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG) to implement ADSI in 40 secondary schools in Tanzania.
The ADSI programme,which has been implemented in Kenya and Cote d'Ivoire as well is funded by Mastercard Foundation,Canada.