Teachers Benefit from ICT Integration in Education Training- Narok and Taita Taveta Counties
Teachers from 40 secondary schools in Narok and Taita Taveta Counties in Kenya were taken through an advanced training on use of ICTs in Education.The teachers have been trained since 2017 through the African Digital Schools Initiative (ADSI) and they say their teaching has since evolved.
Speaking after the first session of the training, a teacher from Taita Taveta County said "Before the GESCI training, I used to integrate ICTs in my teaching but I was not as good.After the training through the African Digital Schools Initiative (ADSI) programme, I am able to prepare various lessons and involve my students.I just cannot teach with ICT now."
This training was preceded by a similar one in Kiambu and Nyamira Counties.The ADSI project is also under implementation in Tanzania and Coté d'Ivoire and is funded by Mastercard Foundation, Canada.