National ICT Teacher Competition in Kenya
Nairobi Kenya, 8th April, 2019:The Ministry of Education, Kenya, ICT Authority Kenya and partners among them GESCI organised the National ICT Competition for teachers in primary schools.The entries were submitted in June and July 2018.
A total 2825 teachers sent in their applications, among them 324 were headteachers, 2483 were teachers from regular primary schools and 43 were from special schools.Mr. Francis Karanja from St. Michael's Primary School in Embu was awarded the Best Principal.Eunice Wambui from the same school teaching Mathematics received the award for best teacher nationally.
Second best teachers received laptops, desktop computers and smart phones to enhance use of technology in teaching.
This activity is part of a wide implementation of Digital Learning supported by the Kenyan Government which is also inline with GESCI's mandate in ensuring access to quality education and building a knowledge society for all.