Knowledge Deepening Certification in Kenya
Over 750 teachers in Kenya have been awarded certificates for successfully completing two modules of training in the Knowledge Deepening Level of the ICT Competency professional development programme. The teachers received certificates during the Launch of the Knowledge Creation Cycle of training in January 2019 through the African Digital Schools Initiative (ADSI).ADSI aims at transforming secondary schools into Digital Schools of Distinction and professional developments for teachers to improve teaching and learning.
Speaking at the event, Ms. Elizabeth Mbasu, Education Specialist, GESCI encouraged the teachers to use materials available to create more online content which can be accessed as Open Educational Resources (OERs). Ms. Mbasu also added that teachers are the drivers of change in society and technology is a tool that will aid in implementation of new teaching approaches.
ADSI has been running since 2016 and over 1500 teachers of STEM and other subjects have benefited. MasterCard Foundation, Canada, funds the initiative.