21st Century Teaching in Full Implementation
5-9th November, 2019, Montego Bay, Jamaica: GESCI was invited to the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 annual meeting and 11th Policy Dialogue Forum. GESCI’s African Digital Schools Initiative (ADSI) Country Programme Manager, Esther Wachira attended the meeting. Ms Wachira shared insights on on “Strengthening Teacher Education: A prerequisite for quality teaching, training and learning.” GESCI is a member of the Task Force’s Thematic group on “Teacher education: Digital learning and continuing professional development”. The meeting was attended by Education Policy makers from over 60 countries in the world
The taskforce on Teachers for Education for All (TTF) is an alliance of committed partners driven by a steering committee composed of countries, intergovernmental organizations, international non-governmental organizations, private organisations and actors interested in issues on teachers and teaching. The task force’s mandate is part of SGD4 wherein quality education is seen as a right to every child the key to which is a quality teacher. GESCI is currently running an innovative ICT in Education project in 3 African countries, the project, divided in 3 cycles of training seeks to empower teachers and learners by introducing them to ICTs, use of ICTs in lessons, research and creating knowledge. The project targets secondary schools to transform them into Digital Schools of Distinction (DSD) and prepare learners to manage change and to be able to shape a just and equitable future, leaving no one behind.
During the Annual meeting, the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 adopted a declaration focused on ensuring that teacher issues stay at the centre of the global education agenda.
Through this declaration, the Teacher Task Force reinforces its vision that at the heart of the right to education is a highly-valued, qualified, and well-trained teaching profession. It therefore recommends that:
- International partners should intensify efforts to develop robust definitions and classifications of qualified and trained teachers and strengthen cooperation and reporting mechanisms to ensure full monitoring of Sustainable Development Goal target 4c.
- Governments should ensure adequate financing for all public goods, including the teacher workforce, and this should be achieved primarily through domestic resource mobilization based on socially just fiscal policies, rigorous measures against corruption and illegal financial flows, efficient and effective teacher policies and deployment practices, developed with the full involvement of teachers and their organisations, and continued focus on external resource mobilization to complement domestic resources for countries.
As the pedagogical practices are shifting from knowledge-delivery to knowledge creation, teachers need to be equipped with necessary skills and knowledge to facilitate students’ higher order learning. ICT plays an enabling role in improving the quality of teaching through expanding the training opportunities and connecting teachers to share their knowledge and support with each other. Developing competency standards for teachers is a key factor to systematically implement nation-wide large-scale teacher development. It is important to support building teachers’ community of practices (CoP) to enhance innovations through lifelong learning with technology.