HE Professor Sarah Anyang Agbor Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology and the CEO of GESCI, Mr. Jerome Morrissey during the signing of the MoU at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The African Union Commission and GESCI (Global E-Schools and Communities Initiative) have agreed a programme of collaboration in relation to the role and incorporation of digital technologies in education ad training. At their headquarters in Addis Ababa , the AU signed an MoU with GESCI on Thursday 26th July, 2018.It provides an overall framework for GESCI and the AUC to collaborate on key initiatives in conjunction with the Education Division, Human Resource Science and Technology department. The MoU was signed by HE Professor Sarah Anyang Agbor Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology and the CEO of GESCI, Mr. Jerome Morrissey.
In general terms, the overall objectives are: - Improving the quality and delivery of education and training in Africa
- Providing children, the African Youth, adults and communities with the necessary 21st century skills that will lead to better lives and employment opportunities and their full participation in their communities and society.
- Further the development of Knowledge societies in Africa to support Africa’s inclusiveness and competitiveness in the global knowledge economy and society.
- Further the capacity of Africa to get the required human resource to achieve the Africa Agenda 2063 and the SDGs.
Areas for particular focus and collaboration are: - Implementation of AUC’s Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) 16-25,in which GESCI chairs the ICT In Education Cluster
- Active support for STISA 2024 and activities related to the African Youth Charter and Program.
- Promote and facilitate the take up of creative digital media skills for employment in the cultural industries.
- Developing strategies to support STI and STEM in education.
- Promotion of continental and regional policy dialogue on ICT in education and knowledge society development.
- Building the technical and institutional capacity for ICT Integration in education and Knowledge Society development of Member State Ministries, regional economic communities, public and civil society institutions including youth organizations and educating professionals and practitioners.
- Implementation and scaling up of models to further education and knowledge society development in Africa.
Jerome Morrissey, CEO of GESCI, said:
”GESCI has high regard for the plans and strategies of the AU in relation to education and training on the continent of Africa and values the opportunity for real collaboration”.
GESCI will provide technical, advisory and implementation roles to support the identified areas agreed upon in line with its mandate on working with governments and partners in providing strategic supports to develop and implement models of good ICT-based practice for high-quality education & training and to build effective leadership abilities in ICT and Knowledge Society development among Government officials across the Developing world.