GESCI hosts Innovation in Secondary Education (ISE) MasterCard Foundation Partners Workshop
Nairobi, Kenya, May 29-31st : The ISE workshop jointly organized by The MasterCard Foundation and GESCI was held in Nairobi, Kenya.
The workshop brought together participants from various organizations working in Africa and other continents. They included: Firelight Foundation, EDC,Babban Gona,Educate!,STIR,VSO and JSI R& T Inc. The workshop saw participants learn and explore implementation issues in different sectors. Two presentations in the areas of health and agriculture were used as examples.
After the first day of the workshop, participants were able to discuss note key pointers that inform innovation which can be borrowed by the Education sector. This was also vivid in a very interactive segment during a deb ate “To make a real difference in secondary education, innovation must be disruptive-if not, status quo will continue” where most participants supported the motion indicating that if innovation causes a positive disruption, then it is one of the steps towards innovation.
The workshop provided an opportunity for the partners to share their successes, failures and struggles and most importantly share ideas and provide feedback on various issues.
The second day saw the delegation visit four secondary schools in Kenya, which are part of the African Digital Schools Initiative (ADSI) Project being implemented by GESCI.
After the fruitful discussions and activities, partners agreed to form a community of practice to deal with scaling within the education system, learn and share new implementation strategies and receive coaching.
The MasterCard Foundation funds the ADSI project that is implemented by GESCI in Kenya, Tanzania and Cote D’Ivoire.