- GESCI Digital Schools of Distinction for whole school ICT integration and Development
- Teacher professional development and ICT competencies;
- ICTs for 21st century learning with a focus on STEM subjects;
- Technical and Vocational Skills Development (TVSD) and digital skills and youth entrepreneurship;
- Leadership Development to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- ICT-enabled education for children and youth in crisis environments;
- Scaling up learning opportunities in community-based settings.
GESCI's Board of Directors holds Quartely Meeting
Since its inception on the recommendation of the United Nations Task Force on Information, Communication and Technology(ICT) , GESCI has been actively involved in activities in the ares of ICT in Education, Leadership and ICT and Youth Digital Media Skills.
In 2015, in a staff meeting, various discussions led to development of a new strategy which has 7 thematic focus areas through which GESCI will work through for the next three years.
The GESCI Strategy 2017 – 2020 From Vision to Action – Delivering What We Promise was approved by the Board of Directors and will be available on the website soon.
The 7 Thematic areas in which GESCI will focus on include: