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Co-Creation Brief 12th October 2024

12th October,2024: GESCI with the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MOEVT) held a co-creation meeting with six departments from MoEVT, including Policy, Research, Child Protection, Quality Assurance, and Inclusive Education Life Skills Unit. The meeting covered an overview of ADAPT, furthering its impact, and dissemination of formative study findings, with discussions focusing on learning assessments, challenges in implementation, data generation, and documentation. Preparation for the first capacity-building workshop was also discussed and the following topics were identified for capacity enhancement. These include ;Understanding learning assessments and life skills, Evidence-based decision making, School based assessments insights, Data generation and packaging, Communication and dissemination.

During the meeting it was noted that there is need to raise awareness on the value and significance of learning assessments among educators and stakeholders to ensure they are effectively utilized.

Participants acknowledged difficulties in implementing learning assessment findings, indicating a gap between assessment results and their application in improving teaching and learning.

There is a recognized need for continued research and data generation to refine learning assessments and ensure they are relevant and impactful. Proper documentation and clear, accessible packaging of assessment data are essential to support decision-making and improvements in the education system.

This activity is carried out as part of furthering Impact for "Adapting Assessment into Policy and Learning (ADAPT): Adolescents’ 21st Century Skills following the successful completion of the two-year research project - ADAPT which was conducted in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania (Mainland and Zanzibar). This project was led by GESCI in partnership with the University of Notre Dame and Makerere University, with support from Dr. Maryam Ismail, the Learning Assessment Knowledge Champion from the State University of Zanzibar.

The project was carried out under research permits granted by the Zanzibar Research Committee (ZRC) and Tanzania COSTECH with resources from IDRC.

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